Thespis: A Leadership Summit
This event is possible for all Troupe 6012 Thespian officers, new and returning. Each Board is a new board, and this event (no longer a camp due to cost analysis) brings each of the board members together for on weekend retreat for leadership training.
Thespis: A Leadership summit teaches 1) each Thespian Troupe Officer his/her/their own personal leadership style, 2) how to understand and work with other leaders in their troupe, 3) practice problem-solving through a variety of challenges, and 4) make plans for the coming year, including troupe goal-setting. In general, this event is meant to be more “nuts and bolts” for Troupe Officers at the school level. It should result in officers understanding their role as a leader, specific goals to be determine by each troupe, plans for the coming year, prepare to share the troupe goals and connect them with the state goals. Also, State Thespian Officers develop and share their platforms and instruct the various workshops on leadership.
This event will be held in September at this time.