Theatre 1
Intro to Theatre
If you have never participated in a theatre arts class and want to explore all the areas that theatre has to offer, this is the class. Throughout the course, we will take a brief look into everything theatre including theatre history, cultural challenges, social change, costuming, stage design and construction, lighting and sound, and many other areas. This course is designed to give every student a taste of the complete theatre world. This is the entry level course to the theatre program recommended for those who have never experienced theatre classes, or attended live theatre events.
Are you wanting a hands-on class -- a class to work with wood, power tools and hand tools? A class to work on construction and get physical? Can you be an independent, self-directed learner and participant? Do you want to paint, build, design, and create? Then Stagecraft I is your natural choice. The main targets of this class are to learn construction safety, tool working, design techniques, basic rigging, basic lighting and scenic painting and basic execution of design , all while working to complete a large scale project. The students in this class will work as a team on the final product of constructing the three dimensional, working structure or structures for the main stage theatre productions for each term. Students will be working toward primary certification in shop safety, construction, rigging, lighting and/or sound.
Stagecraft 2
This course continues the learning targets from Stagecraft 1: learning construction safety skills, tool working skills, design techniques, basic rigging, basic lighting and scenic painting, and basic set design, all while working to complete large scale projects. The students in this class will work as a team constructing the three dimensional, working structure or structures for the main stage theatre productions for each term. Students will develop advanced skills of working independently and reading plans and designing plans. Students may also work with SketchUp (3d modeling software) and technology that is commonly used in theatre. Student will be working toward earning advanced certification in shop safety, construction, rigging, lighting and/or sound.
Costume Design 1
Do you have a creative imagination? Do you want to use your creativity to bring an idea to reality? Are you interested in or involved in Cosplay? Interesting in creating patterns for wearable designs? Interested in Costume Design? Have you ever wanted to sew or make that old jacket or pair of pants into something new? Then this class is yours. Throughout this one semester course students will create a variety of costumes suitable for Cosplay, the stage, and masquerades. Designing from imagination (historically accurate to fantasy) to make page become reality. Textile work, pattern work, fabric work, recycled creations will be primary areas of the course. There will be a focus on designing and building for the stage productions for the year as well.
Costume Design 2
Do you have a creative imagination and want to put it to the test? Do you love to draw, design, and create? Do you like to work with your hands? Then this class is yours. This extension of Costume Design 1, will further develop your skills as a designer and constructor of clothing and costumes. Throughout this one semester course students will create a variety of costumes suitable for Cosplay, the stage, and masquerades fom a variety of eras, by using their knowledge of history, and own imagination. Textile work, pattern work, fabric work, recycled creation and redux will be primary areas of the course. There will be a focus on designing and building for the stage productions for the year as well.
Technical Theatre
Are you looking for a class where you earn credit for designing large scale plans? Are you creative and do you want a hands-on class? Do you enjoy working with friends, yet can be an independent, self-directed learner and participant? Do you want to work with scenery, AV, and lighting? Then Tech Theater I is your natural choice. The main learning targets of this class are to learn design techniques, basic lighting and AV support, and basic execution of design, all while working to complete a large scale project. This class will be creating the design for the main stage productions and the black box productions. The students in this class will work as a team on the final product of designing the three dimensional, working structure or structures for the main stage theatre productions for this year and for next. Some set construction and painting will be expected of students. Students will be working toward primary certification in lighting and sound design and basic stagecraft knowledge. Experiences with Professional Technicians may be incorporated in the course as well.
Theater Ensemble is a two-semester advanced acting and applied arts course which looks at the world of theater from a production standpoint. Students will learn to produce a variety of theatre products from both an acting and operational standpoint. Theatre Ensemble is a hands-on course that has something for everyone and is designed to highlight students’ strengths and improve weaknesses, plus provide them an opportunity to prepare audition materials and technical production materials for college and interscholastic auditions and competitions. This course is connected with PCC Theatre Arts department for a Dual Credit as TA141.
The aim of this program in theatre is to help students understand the nature of theatre; to understand it by making it as well as by studying it; to understand it not only with their minds but with their senses and emotions; to understand the forms it takes in other cultures in addition to their own. This course will provide students with an opportunity to direct, design, create, write, as well as act. This course may be used as the capstone class for the Theatre Arts Career Academy endorsement. Independent work is expected. In order to reach the SL Level of IB Theatre, a student must participate in IB Theatre for 2 consecutive years (4 semesters).