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Council Duties

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Fulfills ALL officer expectations 

- Carries on President-like duties:

  • Presides over council planning meetings and thespian meetings

  • Acts as the Point Representative of Thespian Troupe 6012.

  • Addresses conflicts with thespian members

  • Maintains open communication with Principal and Activities Director

  • Supervises the theatre council and checks in frequently

  • Works collaboratively with and keeps Sponsor posted of All Thespian Events, activities, board meetings and drama club meetings

  • Stays aware of what is going on in the theatre community and the school

  • Communicates info from Oregon Thespians to Southridge Thespians 

  • Maintains General Well-being of entire troupe.


Plans, develops, organizes and implements the following:

  • First Spring/Summer council/Sponsor meeting

  • Camp Thespis travel with sponsor, and various needs for thespis. 

  • Weekly Council planning meetings 

  • Weekly Troupe agenda with other TTO’s and Sponsor

  • Develops small group discussion sessions and meeting organization (in-person and virtual)

  •  Plans Board-Bonding Sessions (usually with Events TTO)

  • Transportation to and from all events

  • State Rooming assignments with Sponsor

  • Troupe, and Cast/Crew bonding activities

  • Boot Camp sessions, leaders, and facilitators

Additional Duties:

  • Oversees and monitors EDIA lens for students in program. 

  • Oversees the organization of Fundraisers and execution of fundraisers with TTO’s

  • Oversees inductions process

  • Creates and sends Break a leg o grams to fellow thespian troupes and non-thespian troupes

  •  Supports front of house Staff if not engaged in production

  • Works with Membership TTO, Outreach TTO, and sponsor to develop the Inducted Thespians list

  • Helps Maintain the “TO DO Boxes” with each TTO

  • Assists other officers accomplish their tasks, as needed. 

  • Proof-reads programs and assists director with anything production/ technical/ Clerical related

  • Vets and Contributes to the THESPIAN UPDATE portion of website with Sponsor

TTO- Events

Fulfills ALL officer expectations 


- Carries on Vice-President-like duties

  • Attends ‘president luncheons’ and meetings when Chair is unable

  • Collaboratively leads thespian meetings 

  • Addresses conflicts with thespian members

  • Works collaboratively with and keeps Sponsor posted of All Thespian Events, activities, board meetings and drama club meetings

  • Stays aware of what is going on in the theatre community and the school

  • Works collaboratively with thespian sponsor and chair to develop equitable events for all

  • Works with Chair to maintain general well-being of the troupe


Plans, develops, organizes, and implements the following:

  • Beaverton Parade

  • Snow Pal/Val Pal/Ugly Sweater 

  • Dip off/Desert off

  • Potlucks

  • BYOP (bring your own pumpkin)

  • Thespian Induction and election day (Coordinates/plans)

  • curriculum night- spring (helps organize the event)

  • Stargazing event (Fishbowl) - If a Junior.

  • Stargazing event portion in Auditorium.

  • If host school, for Ista, Regionals, or Jr. Play Day

    • Assists with Food, timers, runners, hosts, greeters, and movement

    • Room set up team and room clean-up team.


-Additional Duties:

  • Calls hosts of events for confirmation or set-up 

  • Communicates all event details with Social Media, Outreach and Membership TTO’s, and school

  • In charge of event execution - works with Chair/Outreach//Social Media/ Webmaster/Sponsor

  • In charge of working with Chair, other TTO’s and sponsor to develop and execute fundraisers for the program

  • Develops and creates Fishbowl posters

  • Maintains connection with parent volunteers for posters and tickets

  • Supports front of house Staff if not engaged in production

  • Assures Box office has what they need prior to performances


TTO - Social Media

Fulfills ALL officer expectations ) 


- Carries on Historian-like and Social Media duties

  • Creates and maintains all social media passwords and posts, connects sponsor with all posts - creates an algorithm that works to maintain the posts. 

  • Attends and documents all theatre/troupe events and activities with via photographs, film, etc, provides images to Sponsor for Website.

  • Maintains historian scrapbook with up-to-date photos.

  • Maintains the enclosed boards in house/lobby for upcoming events with Outreach

  • Maintains Theatre Cases weekly /bi-monthly

  • Creates Troupe Slide for state’s Parade of Troupes

  • Develops End-of-year slideshow (provides copy to Sponsor after Stargazing for website)

  • Provides show, audition, and thespian event images for school announcements, Quill, and digital media

  • Owns or has access to digital Camera and video camera; possesses photography and editing skills


Plans, develops, organizes and implements the following:

  • Documentation  strategy for all Thespian Events, productions, membership, and Outreach Projects

  • Collaboration with STO’s Platform on Social media and communication when applicable.

  • Promotional videos of productions and events for website and social media

  • Posting strategy that involves entire troupe, cast/crew and parents.

  • Coordinates efforts to create "etiquette" videos for productions and state competition

  • Stargazing event - If a Junior.

  • If host school, for Ista, Regionals, or Jr. Play Day

  • Recording and Posting of Thespian of the week

  • Plans media bursts  with Outreach, events, and membership for recruitment, inductions, and public events


-Additional Duties:

  • Develop online/social media events for all troupe

  • Works with Events TTO to coordinate Thespian Events, event transportation,etc. 

  • Collaboratively posts with other  TTO’s 

  • Provides communication to all Parents of active Thespians, casts, and crews of productions, as well as provides communication to Sponsor, Administration, and Staff.

  • Works with parents to get photos and publicity in the Newspapers, on radios and on Television where possible. 


TTO- Outreach

Fulfills ALL officer expectations ) 


-Carries on Secretary-like /Communications Duties

  • Takes meeting minutes for weekly planning meetings, special meetings, and thespian meetings

  • Maintains up-to-date posting of minutes

    • Minutes posted (facebook, twitter, website, on call board, vetted to sponsor) 

  • In charge of communication execution

  • Co-Facilitation of meetings with Chair

  • Creates attendance sign-in for meetings and events

  • Maintains digital attendance record for meetings and events (access provided to membership and Sponsor)

  • Maintains the Remind App for thespians

    • Organizes Tech/Actor/Show/ Thespian/ parent posts

  • Maintains THESPIAN UPDATES website

  • Develops and maintains balloting/selection tool for Thespian of the Week

  • Maintains all passwords for Social media with Social Media Chair

  • Communicates and publicizes all Special Thespian Events, Productions, and Outreach Projects


Plans, develops, organizes, maintains, and implements the following:

  • TOTS Canned food drive program

  • Display/Recruitment table for Back to School Night in October 

  • Participants/helpers for Back to School Night

  • Working relationship for publicity with leadership

  • Community poster runs (3-4 weeks before opening night)

    • Drivers, runners, and area maps

  • Production posters are given to all teachers, Administration, staff and in the halls

  • Merchandise creation for the program and printers location for merchandise

  • Publicity of all thespian events (fundraisers, mixers, camps, etc.), and recruitment for program

-Additional Duties:

  • Addresses personal issues and conflicts with thespian members

    • Develops PPD plan

    • Involves TTO, Sponsor, or Principal as needed

  • Assists with Organizing STARgazing (If Jr.)

  • Oversees Creation of Publicity for all Auditions and Productions and events.

  • Makes contact with fundraising businesses, works with Publicity for Promotions of Fundraising events

  • Implement and maintain Inter-Troupe PenPal Project in conjunction with STO platform

TTO - Membership

Fulfills ALL officer expectations ) 


-Carries on Clerk-like/ Recruitment Duties

  • In charge of all money intake (for events and merch) 

  • Maintains receipts / documentation of payments

  • Collects and accounts all money for thespian events (work with EVENT TTO closely).

  • Maintains, and checks accuracy of attendance sign-in records for meetings and events (access provided to Outreach and Sponsor)

  • Builds a strong, working relationship with Bookkeeper (Michele Fideler) for financial items

  • Builds a strong, working relationship with principal’s Secretary (Lorena Alvares) publicity

  • Collaborates with Sponsor for collecting monies for events.

  • Encourages and assists with Thespian point records for induction purposes (with Outreach)

  • Keeps an ear open for Thespians (active and aspiring) who may need scholarship assistance.


Plans, develops, organizes, maintains, and implements the following

  • Developing BIPOC students involvement.

  • Scholarship assistance plans

  • thespian of the week questionnaire, and 60 seconds of fame questions

  • Merchandise creation for the program and printers location for merchandise

  • Pre-orders and payments and  ordering plans for merchandise

  • Payment collection plans for merchandise, and events and fundraising events.

  • Connections to Middle school and elementary feeder programs.

  • New Thespian induction with events TTO

  • Recruitment and involvement practices. 

  • Membership involvement with incoming thespians.

  • Current Active thespian involvement

  • Re-engagement plan for non-active, enrolled thespians

Additional Duties:

  • Works with School Bookkeeper to make sure all students are recorded correctly for payments 

    • activity fees

    • thespian induction fees 

    • State Event fees

      • Insta, Regionals, State

  • Collects money involved with STARgazing event (even if not a Junior)

  •  Develop, organize and record ONE's (Opening Night Encouragements) for all major productions.

All TTO Expectations

-Must be a thespian in good standing and uphold the thespian creed at all times “Act well your part, there all the honor lies”

- Maintain active thespian status through entire year while holding TTO Position

- Maintain noticeable involvement in school's theatre activities and events (plays, state, regional's, work parties, meetings, classes)  

- Attend all meetings (board /General)

- Maintain a solid GPA

- Complete required grade checks

- Develop 'pet project' with council 

- Follow through on all commitments and duties assigned and chosen.

- Represent SRHS Theatre well at all times

- Adhere to Theatre Code of Conduct

-Maintain open communication with sponsor, co-council members, membership and adults attached to council

- Attend all classes in which enrolled regularly

- Maintain a solid attendance record

- If not on cast or crew for production - work as Student Box Office coordinator with Box office personnel

  • Assures Box office has what they need prior to performances

- Must Attend/Participate in all of the following Oregon Thespian Events: 

  • Camp Thespis- Leadership summit in August/September 

  •  Attends ALL State sponsored events

    • Insta-Fest

    • Regionals 

    • State Festival

-Attend/Participate in all Troupe Related events including but not limited to the following:

  • Scheduled Thespian events and activities

  • Back to School night with remainder of board to promote and recruit

  • Curriculum night- spring 

  • TOTS program

  • Student council meetings (may be shared)

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