Council Duties

Fulfills ALL officer expectations
- Carries on President-like duties:
Presides over council planning meetings and thespian meetings
Acts as the Point Representative of Thespian Troupe 6012.
Addresses conflicts with thespian members
Maintains open communication with Principal and Activities Director
Supervises the theatre council and checks in frequently
Works collaboratively with and keeps Sponsor posted of All Thespian Events, activities, board meetings and drama club meetings
Stays aware of what is going on in the theatre community and the school
Communicates info from Oregon Thespians to Southridge Thespians
Maintains General Well-being of entire troupe.
Plans, develops, organizes and implements the following:
First Spring/Summer council/Sponsor meeting
Camp Thespis travel with sponsor, and various needs for thespis.
Weekly Council planning meetings
Weekly Troupe agenda with other TTO’s and Sponsor
Develops small group discussion sessions and meeting organization (in-person and virtual)
Plans Board-Bonding Sessions (usually with Events TTO)
Transportation to and from all events
State Rooming assignments with Sponsor
Troupe, and Cast/Crew bonding activities
Boot Camp sessions, leaders, and facilitators
Additional Duties:
Oversees and monitors EDIA lens for students in program.
Oversees the organization of Fundraisers and execution of fundraisers with TTO’s
Oversees inductions process
Creates and sends Break a leg o grams to fellow thespian troupes and non-thespian troupes
Supports front of house Staff if not engaged in production
Works with Membership TTO, Outreach TTO, and sponsor to develop the Inducted Thespians list
Helps Maintain the “TO DO Boxes” with each TTO
Assists other officers accomplish their tasks, as needed.
Proof-reads programs and assists director with anything production/ technical/ Clerical related
Vets and Contributes to the THESPIAN UPDATE portion of website with Sponsor
TTO- Events
Fulfills ALL officer expectations
- Carries on Vice-President-like duties
Attends ‘president luncheons’ and meetings when Chair is unable
Collaboratively leads thespian meetings
Addresses conflicts with thespian members
Works collaboratively with and keeps Sponsor posted of All Thespian Events, activities, board meetings and drama club meetings
Stays aware of what is going on in the theatre community and the school
Works collaboratively with thespian sponsor and chair to develop equitable events for all
Works with Chair to maintain general well-being of the troupe
Plans, develops, organizes, and implements the following:
Beaverton Parade
Snow Pal/Val Pal/Ugly Sweater
Dip off/Desert off
BYOP (bring your own pumpkin)
Thespian Induction and election day (Coordinates/plans)
curriculum night- spring (helps organize the event)
Stargazing event (Fishbowl) - If a Junior.
Stargazing event portion in Auditorium.
If host school, for Ista, Regionals, or Jr. Play Day
Assists with Food, timers, runners, hosts, greeters, and movement
Room set up team and room clean-up team.
-Additional Duties:
Calls hosts of events for confirmation or set-up
Communicates all event details with Social Media, Outreach and Membership TTO’s, and school
In charge of event execution - works with Chair/Outreach//Social Media/ Webmaster/Sponsor
In charge of working with Chair, other TTO’s and sponsor to develop and execute fundraisers for the program
Develops and creates Fishbowl posters
Maintains connection with parent volunteers for posters and tickets
Supports front of house Staff if not engaged in production
Assures Box office has what they need prior to performances
TTO - Social Media
Fulfills ALL officer expectations )
- Carries on Historian-like and Social Media duties
Creates and maintains all social media passwords and posts, connects sponsor with all posts - creates an algorithm that works to maintain the posts.
Attends and documents all theatre/troupe events and activities with via photographs, film, etc, provides images to Sponsor for Website.
Maintains historian scrapbook with up-to-date photos.
Maintains the enclosed boards in house/lobby for upcoming events with Outreach
Maintains Theatre Cases weekly /bi-monthly
Creates Troupe Slide for state’s Parade of Troupes
Develops End-of-year slideshow (provides copy to Sponsor after Stargazing for website)
Provides show, audition, and thespian event images for school announcements, Quill, and digital media
Owns or has access to digital Camera and video camera; possesses photography and editing skills
Plans, develops, organizes and implements the following:
Documentation strategy for all Thespian Events, productions, membership, and Outreach Projects
Collaboration with STO’s Platform on Social media and communication when applicable.
Promotional videos of productions and events for website and social media
Posting strategy that involves entire troupe, cast/crew and parents.
Coordinates efforts to create "etiquette" videos for productions and state competition
Stargazing event - If a Junior.
If host school, for Ista, Regionals, or Jr. Play Day
Recording and Posting of Thespian of the week
Plans media bursts with Outreach, events, and membership for recruitment, inductions, and public events
-Additional Duties:
Develop online/social media events for all troupe
Works with Events TTO to coordinate Thespian Events, event transportation,etc.
Collaboratively posts with other TTO’s
Provides communication to all Parents of active Thespians, casts, and crews of productions, as well as provides communication to Sponsor, Administration, and Staff.
Works with parents to get photos and publicity in the Newspapers, on radios and on Television where possible.
TTO- Outreach
Fulfills ALL officer expectations )
-Carries on Secretary-like /Communications Duties
Takes meeting minutes for weekly planning meetings, special meetings, and thespian meetings
Maintains up-to-date posting of minutes
Minutes posted (facebook, twitter, website, on call board, vetted to sponsor)
In charge of communication execution
Co-Facilitation of meetings with Chair
Creates attendance sign-in for meetings and events
Maintains digital attendance record for meetings and events (access provided to membership and Sponsor)
Maintains the Remind App for thespians
Organizes Tech/Actor/Show/ Thespian/ parent posts
Maintains THESPIAN UPDATES website
Develops and maintains balloting/selection tool for Thespian of the Week
Maintains all passwords for Social media with Social Media Chair
Communicates and publicizes all Special Thespian Events, Productions, and Outreach Projects
Plans, develops, organizes, maintains, and implements the following:
TOTS Canned food drive program
Display/Recruitment table for Back to School Night in October
Participants/helpers for Back to School Night
Working relationship for publicity with leadership
Community poster runs (3-4 weeks before opening night)
Drivers, runners, and area maps
Production posters are given to all teachers, Administration, staff and in the halls
Merchandise creation for the program and printers location for merchandise
Publicity of all thespian events (fundraisers, mixers, camps, etc.), and recruitment for program
-Additional Duties:
Addresses personal issues and conflicts with thespian members
Develops PPD plan
Involves TTO, Sponsor, or Principal as needed
Assists with Organizing STARgazing (If Jr.)
Oversees Creation of Publicity for all Auditions and Productions and events.
Makes contact with fundraising businesses, works with Publicity for Promotions of Fundraising events
Implement and maintain Inter-Troupe PenPal Project in conjunction with STO platform
TTO - Membership
Fulfills ALL officer expectations )
-Carries on Clerk-like/ Recruitment Duties
In charge of all money intake (for events and merch)
Maintains receipts / documentation of payments
Collects and accounts all money for thespian events (work with EVENT TTO closely).
Maintains, and checks accuracy of attendance sign-in records for meetings and events (access provided to Outreach and Sponsor)
Builds a strong, working relationship with Bookkeeper (Michele Fideler) for financial items
Builds a strong, working relationship with principal’s Secretary (Lorena Alvares) publicity
Collaborates with Sponsor for collecting monies for events.
Encourages and assists with Thespian point records for induction purposes (with Outreach)
Keeps an ear open for Thespians (active and aspiring) who may need scholarship assistance.
Plans, develops, organizes, maintains, and implements the following
Developing BIPOC students involvement.
Scholarship assistance plans
thespian of the week questionnaire, and 60 seconds of fame questions
Merchandise creation for the program and printers location for merchandise
Pre-orders and payments and ordering plans for merchandise
Payment collection plans for merchandise, and events and fundraising events.
Connections to Middle school and elementary feeder programs.
New Thespian induction with events TTO
Recruitment and involvement practices.
Membership involvement with incoming thespians.
Current Active thespian involvement
Re-engagement plan for non-active, enrolled thespians
Additional Duties:
Works with School Bookkeeper to make sure all students are recorded correctly for payments
activity fees
thespian induction fees
State Event fees
Insta, Regionals, State
Collects money involved with STARgazing event (even if not a Junior)
Develop, organize and record ONE's (Opening Night Encouragements) for all major productions.
All TTO Expectations
-Must be a thespian in good standing and uphold the thespian creed at all times “Act well your part, there all the honor lies”
- Maintain active thespian status through entire year while holding TTO Position
- Maintain noticeable involvement in school's theatre activities and events (plays, state, regional's, work parties, meetings, classes)
- Attend all meetings (board /General)
- Maintain a solid GPA
- Complete required grade checks
- Develop 'pet project' with council
- Follow through on all commitments and duties assigned and chosen.
- Represent SRHS Theatre well at all times
- Adhere to Theatre Code of Conduct
-Maintain open communication with sponsor, co-council members, membership and adults attached to council
- Attend all classes in which enrolled regularly
- Maintain a solid attendance record
- If not on cast or crew for production - work as Student Box Office coordinator with Box office personnel
Assures Box office has what they need prior to performances
- Must Attend/Participate in all of the following Oregon Thespian Events:
Camp Thespis- Leadership summit in August/September
Attends ALL State sponsored events
State Festival
-Attend/Participate in all Troupe Related events including but not limited to the following:
Scheduled Thespian events and activities
Back to School night with remainder of board to promote and recruit
Curriculum night- spring
TOTS program
Student council meetings (may be shared)