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Benefits and Honors associated with Thespian induction and paid membership dues are as follows:


  • Membership in the only international honor society for high school theatre arts students—a recognized demonstration of achievement and a valuable addition to college and employment applications.

  • A membership certificate.

  • A personalized membership card.

  • A one-year (nine issues) subscription to Dramatics magazine.

  • Leadership opportunities at the troupe, chapter, and international levels.

  • Discounted prices for Regionals, and State Events.

  • Free or Discounted admission to Thespian School theatre performances

  • Eligibility for scholarships through EdTA chapters and the home office.

  • Eligibility to apply for student grants, including the Doug Finney Festival Grants (juniors and seniors), which are need-based grants to help Thespians attend the ITS Festival.

  • Eligibility to audition at the International Thespian Festival for admission to college theatre programs.

  • Eligibility to submit original plays to the Thespian Playworks program.

  • Eligibility to audition for chapter Individual Events programs and qualify for the National Individual Events Showcase (THESPYS) at the International Thespian Festival.

  • Eligibility to receive Thespian graduation and honor items (honor cords, point stars, pins, etc.).

  • Eligibility to advance to Thespian ranks of Honor, National Honor, or International Honor Thespian.

  • Eligibility to receive Thespian scholar distinction for academic achievement.

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